Freedom of Expression: UMN Twin Cities

The University of Minnesota welcomes intellectual discussion on our world’s most pressing topics, both in and out of the classroom. We commit to balancing different worldviews and our constitutional obligation as a public land-grant institution regarding freedom of thought and expression. We support individual rights to freedom of expression on our campus while upholding a safe and inclusive environment. 

For information about relevant policies on all of our system campuses, visit

Ways to Engage

How you choose to get involved, advocate for change, or voice your opinions can be deeply personal, and there are many options for civic engagement. Here are a few to consider:

Exercise Your Rights
  • Vote! Your ballot can count for more than just electing a president
  • Share your cause with your elected officials by phone, email, or social media
  • Take part in a community event with others to bring large-scale attention to an issue or cause
Show Up
  • Work closely with the causes you care about through volunteering
  • Join (or start) a student group to explore your interests and create community on campus
  • Advocate for the student body through undergraduate, graduate, and professional student government
Educate Yourself
  • Enroll in courses that expand your knowledge of the world around you
  • Engage in respectful conversations and diverse viewpoints with Bridging Differences
  • Handout flyers or table around campus to inform others about your mission

Reporting and Responding

Department of Public Safety

Call 911 for emergencies or 612-624-2677 for non-emergencies.

Equal Opportunity & Title IX

Report discrimination, sexual misconduct, nepotism, or retaliation.

Bias Response Referral Network

Report incidents of bias on campus.

Office of Community Standards

Report student conduct violations, which include harassment based on a protected identity.


Anonymously report conduct that violates law, regulation, or University policy.